Thereseanne Sammut

The Leading Lady – Female in tech

Name Thereseanne Sammut
Age 22
Country Malta
Education Experience

(Secondary, Higher Level)





– Bachelor’s Degree in English & Psychology

– Reading for a Master’s Degree in English, Culture & the Media












Employment History


– Founder & Blogger at A Blonde on the Go by Thereseanne Sammut

– Playworker with the Foundation for Educational Services

– English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher with EF


Social Background Nationality: Maltese

People in my Family: 5 (Mum, Dad and 2 Older Brothers)

Status: Single



Personality Traits








– Introvert

– Ambitious

– Independent

– Organised


Their Tech Entrepreneurship Journey

Business Name


1) A Blonde on the Go by Thereseanne Sammut

2) Thereseanne Sammut (Up & Coming Secondary Freelance Business)

What was the inspiration?






1) The inspiration behind my blog is the fact that I’ve always enjoyed writing. I find public speaking very hard, so writing has always been a wonderful outlet in my life. I’ve also always been passionate about the fashion & beauty world so combining the two came natural.

2) The inspiration behind my freelance business is my blog. Finding pleasure in creating content for my personal blog inspired me to start thinking of opening my own freelance business, in order to create content for others. The knowledge that I have a passion for creation & learning gave me that push I needed.



Why did they decide to set up their tech business?







1) It started as a hobby, as something to do away from my studies as well as something to launch me in the fashion & beauty world.

2) I wanted to do something I had a passion for, and that is creating content. The possibility that in the future I can be my own boss, is also an incentive.

What does it do?







1) Social Media Content & Collaborations

Blog Post Writing

Product Reviews

Event Attendance & Coverage

Brand Ambassadorship/Endorsement

Giveaway Hosting



2) Content Creation

Content Writing & Editing

Social Media Management


What makes it unique?









I think what makes both my ‘businesses’ unique is my passion? I’m always learning and expanding my knowledge and I want to be able to impart this passion and knowledge through my work.
When did they decide to set it up?






1) During my first year of undergraduate studies

2) Still in the works


What were the main challenges/struggles to setting up?

Social/financial/tech issues?









Financial – as a full-time Master’s student with no previous full-time job, so far it has been impossible to start doing freelance work.
How did they overcome these?








In 6 months’ time, I’ll no longer be a university student, will be able to work a full-time job which will lead me to having the capital to register as a part-time freelancer.
What were the main success factors?








With regards to my blog, having the opportunity of collaborating with various brands.


What are their future plans?

For their tech business?

For themselves?







– Start my freelance business and start bringing in clients

– That someday I can be my own boss – have to ability to see my freelance business as self-employment.

Top 2 tips for nascent women technology entrepreneurs








1) Never, ever give up. If you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it.

2) Just because you aren’t making progress as fast as you think you should, doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress.

Further information:

Contact details








Email : [email protected]