About Us

The Commission note that “even though there are more women than men in Europe, female entrepreneurs represent only a third of the self-employed in the EU, as such, it is imperative that suitable supports and adequate training is provided to encourage European women into self-employment. That’s where BizMiz comes in. To ensure that women can harness the full potential of the latest trends in Internet entrepreneurship through the use of modern social media platforms, there is a need for bespoke next generation on-line entrepreneurship training. In order to deliver this training, it is first necessary to build the competence and confidence of VET professionals to deliver training in how to use modern social media platforms in the field of entrepreneurship. This is the gap in current VET provision that the BizMiz project will address through the bespoke in-service training programme.
BizMiz aims to empower women to develop high-quality skills and digital competence, that will support them to achieve their full potential as next generation women in technology entrepreneurs! To achieve this, BizMiz will develop and provide an online entrepreneurship training course focusing on how to effectively take advantage of modern social media platforms in the field of entrepreneurship which will be available free of charge.


The Partners

Ballybeen Women’s Centre Ltd –  United Kingdom

Ballybeen Women’s Centre Ltd – United Kingdom

Ballybeen Women’s Centre

Ballybeen Women’s Centre (BWC) is an NGO with charitable status.  Our main aim is to address inequalities, promote social inclusion and enable those most marginalised to integrate into mainstream society and become active citizens on a personal, social, economic and political basis.  Through ongoing needs assessment BWC develops and delivers programmes and services tailored to the needs of the target groups i.e. women, children and young people.

Since 2003 BWC has participated in numerous partnerships and collaborative working on a local, national, European and international basis and has a high degree of expertise in the management of such projects.



Contact person: Tanya Hughes

Address:   34 Ballybeen Square, Dundonald, Belfast, BT16 2QE

Email: [email protected]

Website:   www.ballybeenwomenscentre.org




AEVA was founded in 1998 as a non-profit organisation to meet the needs of local businesses in tackling skills mismatch by bringing education and the working world closer together. In this scope, AEVA is an umbrella association of competences with 13 brands, including the largest private VET school in Portugal, EPA (www.epa.edu.pt), targeting youngsters most of them with fewer opportunities. AEVA also provides adult education and validation of competences on behalf of the Portuguese Qualifications System. In the field of entrepreneurship, throughout its local incubator VOUGA FABLAB and technological campus CATEC, AEVA promotes and supports business development.



E-mail address: [email protected]



The Rural Hub was set up as an association by a group of education, training and rural development professionals as a response to the impact of the economic crisis on small rural villages and towns in Ireland. Since it was first established in 2012, The Rural Hub has been providing a wide range of training and capacity development programmes to local residents and community groups.  We specialise in the area of community development and have developed a number of local initiatives to support the social inclusion of disadvantaged rural youth, migrant communities and isolated older residents.  We work with these groups, using creative approaches and the testing of digital media resources to support greater social cohesion among local communities in County Cavan.  We have a developed network of county-wide stakeholders who support our work on a thematic basis.


Website: www.theruralhub.ie

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Acrosslimits Limited

Acrosslimits Limited

AcrossLimits is a dynamic Maltese technology research and consulting SME with its roots firmly derived from the innovation and ICT sectors. In fact, its core business, is still centred around the areas of Internet-based solutions for business and social purposes. Our mission statement is: “Innovation for solving tomorrow’s challenges”. AcrossLimits has been participating and helping organisations to benefit from EU funded projects since 2001 when it was established as a limited liability company. In the last years, AcrossLimits has diversified and is now made up of three main divisions, namely Technology, European Projects, and Tenders and Education.



E-mail address: [email protected]

Website: www.acrosslimits.com

Speha Fresia

Speha Fresia

Speha Fresia acts since 1983 at national level in the fields of lifelong learning, labour active policies, local sustainable development and social research. By integrating its professional competences with a wide network of public and private institutions, it has been committed in European projects since 1996.

It is conformed to the Quality Management Standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, as regards: Guidance Counselling, Service for local development, Design of systemic measures in support of disadvantaged groups, Social research, Continuous vocational training, Lifelong learning. It is a certified body for guidance and training in two Regions, Latium and Sicily, and it organises continuous vocational training courses for workers funded by inter-professional funds.


Website: www.speha-fresia.it

Contact Person: Elisabetta Cannova

E-mail address[email protected]

SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Ltd

SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Ltd

SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Ltd is a pioneering organisation
implementing projects of social impact, particularly in the fields of entrepreneurship,
employment, migrant integration and social inclusion; also promoting and contributing
to gender equality and women’s empowerment. SYNTHESIS, the leading organization
of Cyprus in social entrepreneurship and social innovation, operates “Hub Nicosia,” a
coworking space, an educational centre, and a community of organisations with
cultural, environmental and social aims.


Website: www.synthesis-center.org

Contact Person: Dora Heracleous

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Kaunas – Science and Technology Park

Kaunas – Science and Technology Park

Kaunas Science and Technology Park (Kaunas STP) is the largest partner of science and business cooperation in this Baltic country. Kaunas Science and Technology Park has more than 20 years of experience in assisting and supporting innovative and technology-oriented SMEs, start-up and spin-off companies in Kaunas region and Lithuania. Kaunas STP organizes and provides more than 20 information events during a year, about 10 training work-shop cycles for SMEs and entrepreneurs and whose, who want to start their own business.


Website: www.kaunomtp.lt

E-mail Address: [email protected]



CK Edukator, established in 2013,  is based in Rzeszów. The core of its activity is business training and advisory. It employs highly qualified trainers and advisers with  high qualifications (part of the staff are university lecturers with a PhD) and a very rich experience in training.

The main subject area of training are entrepreneurial processes and IT. The institution’s organized training in entrepreneurship, accounting and finance, and IT, and in terms of counselling – in the area of modernization of IT processes. It has experience in conducting and organization of training courses and internships in framework of Polish program „Human Capital”.

CONTACT INFORMATION                                            

Website: www.edukator.com.pl

E-mail address: [email protected]